
Personnel and operational policies may not seem like a priority, but the reality is that they are incredibly important for the efficient and legal functioning of a business or government entity. Any employer, regardless of its size, needs to have a set of legally-sound policies in place regarding their operations. This includes policies relevant to wages and benefits, sexual harassment and discrimination, disciplinary policies, and more. At N. Stotler Law, our Pittsburgh employment lawyers are ready to help both private and public employers craft and implement all relevant policies. We are standing by to assist employers throughout central and western Pennsylvania.

Review, comment, and recommend on existing policies

Your policies should be fluid and changing with your business needs and the legal and social landscape within which you operate. Attorney Neva Stotler has extensive experience helping both public entities and private businesses in all areas of employment law. She can customize your policies and implement them in a way that is consistent with your needs, time, and resources.

N. Stotler Law will thoroughly review your existing employment policies and make comments on areas that may need some changes. As Attorney Stotler reviews your existing policies, she will help determine where you may need to change, add to, or create new policies.

Create an employee policy system

There are various types of employment policies they need to be considered, whether you are a public entity or a private company. Some of the most common policies that you need to consider include the following:

  1. Ethics and conduct
  2. Leave and time-off benefits
  3. Employee attendance and punctuality
  4. Use of technology
  5. Organizational structure
  6. Equal employment
  7. Discrimination
  8. Sexual harassment
  9. Discipline and discharge
  10. Workplace safety
  11. Privacy and surveillance
  12. FMLA, ADA, and FLSA

The policies that you implement will govern every aspect of how your business or entity operates. Governance through policies is a critical part of motivating your employees and ensuring everybody is treated fairly throughout the organization.

Review and draft specific employment policies

N. Stotler Law will work with the owners and operators of a business or other entity in order to gain a thorough understanding of your goals and your desired outcomes. The policies that Attorney Stotler drafts for your organization will ensure that you are best prepared to handle any legal issues that could arise during the scope of your operational activities. Importantly, your policies should be designed in a way that fosters growth within the organization. This includes growth for individual employees, for management, and for the overall business or entity.

Let our team help you today

Whether you are just starting a new business or entity or have been operating for some time, a thorough review of your policies can be incredibly beneficial. At N. Stotler Law, our qualified and experienced Pittsburgh employment attorney is ready to get to work helping you today. We help employers throughout central and western Pennsylvania formulate adequate policies. You can contact us for a consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 724-841-5565.

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